

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Casting something other than a ballot

We have had some really good laughs since Gabriel was born. And Saturday night was the best yet. My sister, Lindsay, was visiting and we knew Gabriel needed to be changed so we took him to the bathroom where we have our changing area set up. He had had a very minor blowout so I called Gabe to come look. He came in and was starting to wipe his little bum when Gabriel ripped a loud one. As he did he literally shot poop out, and halfway across the bathroom as you can see. I was standing dangerously close and jumped back to avoid being hit. I cannot remember the last time I laughed so hard. I was struggling to breathe and as you can imagine my bladder is a little weak at this point...
As I was writing this post Gabriel started crying and wanted to be fed. I thought he needed a diaper change so I took him to the bathroom before I fed him. Ironically, the same thing happened, only worse! He shot poop all over my hand, the floor, even to the wall across from the counter where he was. It was a total mess and kind of hard to clean all by myself, as Gabe wasn't home this time. I guess this is my welcome to motherhood!


Lindsay said...

I can agree that it was hard to control my bladder as well. All I can say is I'm not changing his bum for some time! I still love him lots though!

Lindsay said...

Welcome to the Motherhood Club! The first time Garrett pooped all over me (when he was about 3 weeks old), I remember thinking the same thing...there really is nothing like getting pooped all over by your child to welcome you to life as a mother. :) I'm so glad you're enjoying Little Gabriel. He is darling!

Ang said...

HA HA HA! love it! welcome to the club, my friend. We were lucky, Jack never shot poop at us like that...he had other 'tricks'.

Anonymous said...

This story is hilarious! Go little Gabe! He must have really strong stomach muscles. Usually Henry just peed on us the first couple weeks, but now he holds it in better.

Manda Panda said...

Yep! You have so arrived...welcome to the many joys of motherhood! And thanks for documenting that poop shot and sharing with us all.

Cami Jo said...

Hey Guerreros Fam! Lil' Gabe is adorable, like his papa. I love how being a parent you just come to understand that poop and puke are a part of your day, like sunlight and oxygen. Good times! You guys are great.

Blacks said...

Oh my goodness, Gabriel is here! (Sorry, I've been out of the blogging loop for a while.) He is SO cute. I am cracking up about this post too because I remember those days. Oh wait, we STILL have those days! I'm so happy for you guys, congratulations!

Natty said...

You better watch out, hw still hasnt peed in your face yet, little boys tend to do that sometimes.

The Boover Bunch said...

Motherhood is full of..... wonderful joys and lots of poop! Sam loved to shoot Hilton with pee everytime he changed him. He rarely did it to me, though. I got plenty of blow outs, though. Welcome to the poopyclub. love you

Celeste said...

That is crazy! I've yet to experience something like that!